We probably wouldn’t have believed it … if someone had told us that our arrival would take place under the conditions of a fading blizzard. But first things first:

This year, for the first time ever, we were able to fly into the reservation with a whole team. A large part of the team consisted of students from Glaubenszentrum, Bad Gandersheim. Seven weeks before the beginning of the outreach we met with the team for preparation and prayer. As we were praying, one of the participants saw a picture of a snow plough, which cleared the way in front of us. We all interpreted this as a promise of God to clear possible obstacles out of the way.

We were then surprised when, on the eve of the trip, our flights were cancelled due to a “Monster Blizzard”. What began as a two-hour wait on the phone lines eventually turned out to be a series of miracles: Perfectly rebooked flights, meal vouchers, a hotel upgrade and last-minute free seats on the connecting flight for the five people in our group who were on ‘Waiting Position 23-27’. And then – on our way through Nebraska to our destination – we saw it: ‘Our’ snowplow, clearing the streets from ice in front of us.

​With no more than two hours delay we reached our destination and were welcomed as the “First German Mission Team” at the REC-Center in Oglala.

There God blessed us with an unbelievably great time. The focus of the outreach was our children’s program lasting for several days, including singing, games, drama, Bible stories relevant to everyday life and afterwards a warm meal.

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For one and a half days we had the privilege of enjoying some of the beauty and vastness of the country and the national park bordering the reservation. We saw bisons in the Black Hills and marveled at the “Western film set” of the Badlands.

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Among other things, we also did an outreach in the women’s and men’s prison, a prayer outreach in the Pine Ridge hospital and visited people’s homes. People were healed and touched by God’s love. For some of them, we had fitting prophetic words from God, and the enthusiasm that God knows them and is interested in them continued for days.

It does not a nice sight to look at, when you walk through the villages, and rubbish and disorder seem to reflect on the outside the inner brokenness and lack of perspective, which the people are marked by. Many of them are addicted to alcohol, suffer from diabetes or are depressed in various ways. Out of consideration, we refrained from taking too many photos there.

To let these precious people taste something of the love and power of God and the hope He gives – be it through an embrace, an encouraging word or practical help – was a huge privilege for us.

Among other things, near the memorial of the Wounded Knee massacre, we once again took the opportunity to exalt the name of God in worship and prayer.

On the Easter weekend we had the privilege to baptize these two precious people – Angela and Patrick.

We are so thankful to God for all the small and bigger miracles, and also for all the protection we were able to experience during the whole outreach. The last picture with a wink of the eye expresses what it’s all about for all of us in the end, namely: “… to looking unto JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith! (Heb. 12:2)