After a ten-month journey together, we said goodbye, blessed and sent out 29 wonderful people who graduated from the CrossWalk discipleship training on our last training day on October 15.
In January 2022, they embarked on this journey that launched them into an intense time with God. To summarize all this in numbers, they experienced:
- eight training days
- approx. 33 hours of messages and inputs
- approx. 12 hours of activations and practical excercises
- approx. 16 hours of mentoring, either in a group setting or individually
- 18 homework assignments
- reading the whole Bible through once
- reading two books as course literature and a few chapters from a third one
- two fellowship nights.
But more important than anything we could have prepared and organized, was what God prepared and did. Even before the training began, there was an impression that Jesus was on His way to the discipleship training, fully loaded with bulging bags, as He had prepared so much for each participant and wanted to give it all out to them.
Through the many intense and sometimes quite challenging messages on the eight different main topics, the participants were able to take a hold of God’s heartbeat and apply it into their everyday lives. On each training-day, we were amazed time and time again at the testimonies of what God had initiated, unconcealed, restored and changed in them and their lives.

Immediately after the first day of training, we were happy to witness the baptism of two participants, who encouraged after an input on the topic of baptism, decided to take this step – hallelujah, heaven is celebrating!
A training is not only theory and head knowledge, but also practice, and so the homework assignments as well as the activations on the training days helped the participants to try out what they had heard, become active and practice living out their life as children of God.
In the beginning, the training days were still held with restrictions due to the Corona regulations. Due to this reason, also the normally open to public FACE 2 FACE worship evening, which concluded each training day, was reserved only for the training participants and CrossWalk staff in January and February.
From March onwards, the regulations got more loose, and a real sense of community slowly emerged among the participants as well. Mentoring groups grew together and relationships were established. And we were all learning from each other; this was and is not a one-way street!
Whether freshly converted or “always” Christian, it was encouraging, motivating and also always so touching to hear and see how inner change took place, how new insights and truths were able to break through, which strongholds of lies were torn down, how intimacy with God grew, and what very concrete effects all this had in the individual lives.
And so we blessed our 29 participants as passionate and faith-filled sons and daughters of God and sent them out to build His kingdom strongly and courageously wherever God has placed them.
Jesus kept His word: His pockets were abundantly filled for all!
We are so grateful to you, Jesus! All glory to you, Lord!
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