
Our nation and the world

needs balanced yet powerful Jesus-followers who expand God’s kingdom. We want to train and equip people so that they will

  • know who they are in Jesus Christ and because of Him
  • passionately love and honor God and His Word
  • boldly impact their sphere of influence through God’s love and power
  • know His voice and follow it
  • be able to stand in the storms of life and the challenges of our time
  • become multipliers in the kingdom of God

Some CrossWalk Training graduates continue:

Our 10-month leadership module is meant for all those who see it as their assignment from God to take on leadership responsibility in their sphere of influence as well as their churches, and multiply that which they have learned during the CrossWalk Training. This would include a wide range of possibilities: classic leadership positions at churches, leading of house groups, evangelistic outreaches or youth work being just a few examples of that, which our current participants invest themselves in. Ultimately, it is about a continuous process of learning to love God and His Word, understanding and applying important leadership principles, and allowing ourselves to be continually formed by God. We believe that it is on God’s heart to shape and cultivate men and women who stand firm on a healthy biblical foundation, at the same rolling up their sleeves and that giving an example of servant leadership.

Where and with whom?

The CrossWalk Leadership Training takes place at Eastsite 15 (Salzschlirfer Str. 15, 60386 Frankfurt-Fechenheim) and is led by the CrossWalk Team. Occasional guest speakers enrich our training program by their insights.


CW-LT Graduation

You can find a review on the first round of our Leadership Training ​here:

Here are a few testimonies from the graduates of the CrossWalk Leadership Trainings:

I am very grateful for these eventful, intense and nourishing, wonderful teaching sessions that have established me on firm ground in Christ and given me a deeper understanding of the Word of God. … It was a pleasure to study with you.

Thank you so much for allowing us to try things out in a safe setting.

A very successful concept, please continue. You managed to make room during the teachings for trying out news things.

The homework assignments have helped me in my everyday life again and again to dig deeper into the topics. Furthermore, taking notes and not just merely mentally engaging with the topics, has given me insight on things in a way which would not have been otherwise possible in the busyness of everyday life.

Now I know what it means that Scripture reveals itself to you. Brilliant.

All the theoretical teaching units were deep and helpful, but the practical exercises have always been challenging and beneficial

Thank you for the intensive training. It has helped me to find my calling in leadership.

The Leadership Training was an ideal continuation of the Crosswalk Training.

For me, the personal mentoring was not just important, but rather an essential part of the training. A safe and secure environment made it possible for being open and real, and to address questions that came up after a training day.

I have not only learned a lot during this time, but also realized that God can use us all.

​For me the two training courses were really life-changing and plain positive.