Those who have experienced God moving through them in another culture usually come back deeply impacted and changed. When are you going to come and join us on an outreach?

After two years of Crosswalk Bible School training, my husband and I went on a three-week missions trip to Indonesia. It was wonderful to experience how God’s kingdom grows in a completely different culture, how people invest in each other and make themselves available to God.

I was particularly moved by our visit in a prison, where we were able to bring the Good News to the prisoners together with a local pastor. The Holy Spirit touched so many hearts there. Even the time of worship in this sad place was very moving. It was as if heavens had opened up and come a little closer. We sang, clapped, danced, waved our hands and cheered … there was such joy in the midst of it all, almost indescribable. After the message many people were very touched and came to the cross in front, and we were able to witness it up close: Where the light of God shines, darkness must disappear! The presence of God was so tangible, and after the visit we all felt richly blessed by God.

I am very grateful to God that we were able to be part of this missions trip in West Papua/Indonesia. We got to know a wonderful country and its happy and precious people. To worship God at night in the darkness of the jungle in some remote “bush community” together with many Indonesian and Papuan brothers and sisters was a very special experience. What an amazing God: no language barriers – he sees our hearts and looks beyond all cultural differences! Partly due to this missions trip, God has opened my heart for the many different people groups of this world, and I am very grateful to him for his faithfulness, which he proves us again and again. I will certainly remember this mission for a long time to come.

Whoever gets to know the country and its people through preaching ministry in different churches, gets to know it better than someone who stays there as a tourist for thirty years. This is what I experienced during our missions trip in Indonesia/West Papua. The way the people welcomed and encountered us was very touching, and I learned to appreciate the “don’t worry, be happy” -mentality. Great people, great country, great time together.

​The missions trip in Indonesia was a great highlight for me. The passion and devotion of the people in worship inspired and impressed me the most. To discover God in the breathtaking nature, amazed me again and again. Every day was a special day; what could be better and more beautiful than proclaiming the Gospel and seeing its power to save and change.