On June 16th, we celebrated the graduation of our first Leadership Training. Out of the seven men and six women, ten had previously completed our CrossWalk training, and another three joined as newcomers.

From September 2017 to June 2018, we met seven times for a Training Session and worked intensively together. In between the training sessions, there were homework assignments and reading to complete as well as personal mentoring.

We are very enthusiastic about how each of our participants faced the different challenges and with their personal contribution ensured that the whole group grew together and also individually.

Intensive biblical teaching on spiritually relevant topics for leaders as well as practical topics such as communication or leading a small group, alternated with the practice of personal disciplines such as proclaiming the Word of God, speaking in tongues or listening to God’s voice, as well as exercises dealing with issues that leaders face in the daily church life. For example, each participant delivered a short sermon in front of others, and then received feedback from the whole group based on the previously defined criteria for sermon delivery.

Highlights were the Saturdays, when we had guest speakers come. Lydia Diefenbach, who is planting churches in Thuringia together with her husband and a small team, taught on the topic, “Authority of the Word of God” and “Liberal Theology” and gave valuable tips on how to prepare and deliver a sermon. Dirk Mesenbrock, an experienced church elder from Essen, together with his wife Michaela, shared valuable insights on the subjects of “Traps and danger zones for leaders” and “Dealing with temptation”. During the lunch, we were also able to benefit from their rich experience in the area of deliverance ministry.

We are thrilled to see how Christ continues to take form in the individual participants, and how they are taking bold steps in their churches to further expand the Kingdom of God by making disciples.

Thank you, Lord Jesus!!