At the conference “Erbarmen über Deutschland” 3-6 October 2019 in Leipzig, shared by Pastor Emmanuel from Kampala, Uganda

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“On September 6, I was in Berlin. I was sent to Germany by Pastor John Mulinde. I work under him as a spiritual father (…) …so I was in Berlin in Bethel prayer house, Andreas invited us. And then, as he was making a prayer to receive us in the land, I was saying: Lord, what should we pray for Germany? What is it that you have brought us here for? We have left our homes, we have left our families, and we are here Lord – what do you want us to do? And the Lord showed me a vision:

Once a door was open. My eyes saw a door. This door was once widely open. And this was the time that Germany was supposed to enter into their calling. Because Germany has a big calling on this planet. And he told me if you want to know the bigness of the calling of a family or a nation, you go back to its history.
The history shows how great that country is. There are things that were done for good and for bad, that touched the nations through Germany. For example the destiny of this country has ever been used to cause a war that touched all the nations. That’s when the devil had stolen the destiny of this country to use it for bad to touch the nations.
And also in a good way the destiny of this country has ever been used by a well-known man: Martin Luther.
I was a young boy way back in Uganda, I studied the history and they said: this man caused the Bible to move in the nations. All this shows how big – if this country stands in her destiny- can reach out Europe and other parts of the…nations. The Lord showed me an image of the door. This door was once open for Germany to enter into her destiny. But all over the years the church did not stand in that position, there came in division and people did not stand as they were supposed to stand, and the darkness, over the times, has been pushing the door to close it.

And this big force of darkness manifests through the bloodshed, and the evil laws that have been implemented. The sexual perversion, the disobedience of the word of God. And many things that are happening, they cause the door to be pushed, to be shut completely. And the Lord showed me that the force that’s pushing this door was very heavy, trying to push the door to be closed. And once this door is completely closed, darkness will cover the land. And the great destiny of this nation, of Deutschland, will be stolen by the devil and the devil will use it to spread evil in the nations.
And the Lord told me there is still a space which is open – a gap. That gap is open because of the few genuine, faithful men and women of God who have been standing to intercede for this country. Because of the people who have been praying for the land, darkness has not been able to close the door completely. In this I heard the Lord calling upon the church: now let the church awake!
Let them fight division among the body of Christ. Let the church come together and arise, begin to pray, let there be repentance over the laws and the evil things that have been happening in the country. And the Lord shall hear from heaven.  And he will come and join together with the church. And that door will be open again!  And Deutschland will fulfill the great destiny upon it.

There’s a verse in Isaiah chapter 62 (editorial note: chapter 60 is correct)
Isaiah 60:1-3
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.

…This vision was showing: there is an urgency! The time is now! The Lord has brought us from far away in Africa! Not because he put us to move on the streets of Germany. To stand with you in prayer as you push this land into her destiny. If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways; I will hear from heaven, and heal their land.”. God is willing to touch this land again. Europe is waiting for Germany. The world is waiting for the calling upon this nation. The time is now! To Rise up as a church! God has given us the keys for this land! The destiny of Deutschland is in the hands of the church. If the church can rise up and repent- whether you did it or not- but you stand before the Lord on behalf of the country. You stand as a priest on behalf of the bloodshed. On behalf of the evil laws that have been passed for this country. The Lord has said it and he will do it. I pray the Lord will bless you. As Uganda we love you and we pray for you. We have not come with anything. We come by the grace of God. To help you through prayer. That you can push! Push! And bring forth that destiny. For the glory will shine upon this land! Thank you very much! God bless you!“

Given by Kaisa Koistinen at the “Wächterruf” Prophetic Network Meeting in Dreieich on 2 November 2019.

I saw a whole bunch of people standing in a small corridor. They were leaders from the fivefold ministry in Germany – (or even Europe?) – but in anyhow, it was more about Germany.

They are waiting for God to somehow move and for something to happen. And they all want to get out of this confinement. It was really tight and uncomfortable in there, because people had been waiting, praying and believing for a really long time.

But nobody sees that there is actually a door. There is an opening, a door, and this door was open the whole time. It wasn’t really a “door” – I didn’t see a “door”, but just a big opening – and it was completely wide open and anyone could have just walked through it, for a long time already! But, nobody takes the step forward, for different reasons. Maybe out of fear, insecurity or simply out of the lack of willingness to leave the comfort zone… “I don’t want to be the first to take this step forward because it costs me something” etc. So there were different reasons why, but fear of things like criticism, rejection, hurts, failure etc. were the main reasons. And many had also not seen at all that there is such an opening, and they just pray, they wait, they believe that God is finally doing something, but God is waiting for US – that is, for the leaders in Germany to reposition themselves or to position themselves in some way. In these positions that God has given them, as leaders in the areas of the 5-fold ministry, they are supposed to stand up and take this step, and lead the people through this door – this opening – into the wide land that is waiting for us. And then I had the impression in this whole context that there is a window of opportunity for this, there is a certain urgency, and that the door is not going to remain open forever. This opening will slowly close if no one moves in that direction and into the wide area on the other side.

I think that speaks of renewal, revival, breakthrough, all that, but that needs strong, courageous, but humble – that was also a key word – strong people who really lead, but lead with love, courage and humility. Exactly. And it speaks of the fact that such people in this country now take up these positions and take this responsibility and respond to this call and play this certain role to lead us further into all of that which God has for us.

Kaisa Koistinen
Awake the Nations e.V.
CrossWalk e.V.