On September 19th 2020, after a three-month delay caused by COVID 19, we were able to congratulate the participants of the CrossWalk Leadership Training on their successful graduation. 17 men and women participated in the Training since September last year and left their comfort zones to deal with a wide variety of topics and tasks related to leadership. Presenting a short sermon and writing a character study on a biblical figure were as much a part of the training as dealing with matters such as conflict management, calling, danger zones for leaders, vision casting, anointing and much more. Practical applications, homework assignments and personal mentoring given by CW staff helped intensify what was learned and to apply it into one’s own daily (church) life.

When revival comes, which we expect for Germany and Europe, masses of people will get saved! In order to offer these new believers an environment in which they can grow into healthy and mature followers of Jesus, many small groups with capable leaders and good teaching materials will be needed. One such tool is our “CrossWalk Training Manual” – a handbook in which we’ve compiled the contents of our CrossWalk Training and that way prepared it for use in a small group settings. We were able to complete the first module of this manual in September 2020 and send it hot off the press to the graduates of our Leadership Training. We are very happy that a number of them are now beginning to implement in a small group setting what they learned – initially as a three-month pilot project – and to pass on the contents of the CrossWalk discipleship training.

It was a great joy and a privilege to go through the program with this special group, and we are excited about everything the Lord will do through them in the coming years. To Him alone be all glory!