
Our nation and the world

needs balanced yet powerful Jesus-followers who expand God’s kingdom. We want to train and equip people so that they will
•    know who they are in Jesus Christ and because of Him
•    passionately love and honor God and His Word
•    boldly impact their sphere of influence through God’s love and power
•    know His voice and follow it
•    be able to stand in the storms of life and the challenges of our time
•    become multipliers in the kingdom of God

The intensive, challenging teachings and practical applications deal with important topics for passionate and powerful Jesus-followers.

The training days of our CrossWalk-Training 2025, which starts at the end of September, can also be attended as day seminars!

Half-day seminar with Lydia Diefenbach

The unhealthy fruits of modern theology have long been growing in free- and charismatic congregations. The breeding ground for arbitrariness and false doctrine is – in keeping with the zeitgeist – ideal. If we want to see sustainable revival, we cannot avoid a clear position on the Bible.
Lydia Diefenbach studied university theology intensively during her theology degree and knows how to convey its basic principles in an understandable way and open the listener’s eyes to its weaknesses and dangers. She has an authentic and clear way of teaching. Her special sense of humor, selectivity and passion make her an inspiring speaker. Lydia is married to Jonathan, a passionate mother, pastor of ConnectKirche in Eisenberg in Thüringen, where she is also involved in the town council. She studied theology in Berlin and completed two years of Bible school at Glaubenszentrum in Bad Gandersheim, where she worked as a lecturer for several years.
As part of our leadership training, Lydia will be teaching at CrossWalk on February 25 and the second half of the day will be open to day guests as a half-day seminar to make this important topic accessible to as many people as possible.
The seminar will be held in german, no translation available.
– Half-day seminar from 14:00 – 18:00
– incl. coffee break with a small snack
– Price: 15,-€ (box office possible for an extra charge of 2€)
– Salzschlirfer Strasse 15, 60386 Frankfurt a.M.
– If the price exceeds your financial means, please contact us (
                                                                                                                                                                                             -> Click here to register

The training sessions of our CrossWalk Training 2025 can also be attended as day seminars! For more info please scroll down.

September 27, 2025: A STRONG FOUNDATION

Anyone who has ever observed a construction process of a house knows how important a thoroughly built foundation is in order to make sure that things don’t go wrong and that the house doesn’t collapse at some point. In the same way, when something is wrong with our foundation, our spiritual life can suffer imbalances and collapses. Here we want to look at things closely in the light of the Word of God and let Jesus check and repair our foundation.
In addition, the training should equip us to help others build their foundations.

  • The power of the cross
  • Water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Life House Check
  • Your new identity

From the first to the last book of the Bible, God presents Himself as someone who wants to be close to us and live in relationship with us. What a fascinating love story! And yet many Christians find it difficult to believe this, to get into the depth of this relationship and to live out of this source.
The training day will give us some taste and offer practical help in regards to how to live and grow in intimacy with God. Do not miss your first calling!

  • Friendship with God
  • Knowing God’s Voice
  • The person of the Holy Spirit
  • Staying hungry
  • Practicalities of how to spend time with God

Our western world is shaped and permeated by the ideology of humanism, in which man and his abilities are at the center of all action and being. In this training we will recognize how strongly our thinking, even as Christians, is permeated by this worldly spirit, which robs us of the power and authority that Jesus promised His followers.
But it does not have to remain like this! God has given us keys in His Word with which we can regain authority over our thinking and our situations. A disputed topic with enormous potential for personal revival!

  • Authority of the Word of God
  • Jesus – the ultimate role model
  • Understanding the spirit of the times
  • Life in God’s protective orders
  • The power of our words
January 24, 2026: REACHING THIS WORLD

For a long time, we have left evangelism to the “professionals”, believing that it requires a special gift or calling. Fear of man, fear of failure and the feeling of lack in competence have kept us from taking Jesus’ Great Commission seriously and personally. Be challenged and practically equipped to become part of God’s army of love, which touches our country and this world in a completely new way with the Gospel, with the love of God and with the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Potential of the Great Commission
  • Your part in missions
  • Sharing the Gospel with the power of God
  • Stepping out of the boat
  • Cultural sensitivity

Which Christian wouldn’t want success, a fruitful life and the supernatural anointing of God on his life? All of us do. And God also wants that for us! But how do we get there? And is perhaps the culture of success in God’s Kingdom different from what we typically picture success?
An exciting and challenging discovery of topics such as:

  • Character development
  • Gifts, fruit and anointing of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)
  • Servant leadership and healthy dealings with authority
  • The importance of the local church

Experiencing and moving in the power of the supernatural is not a special privilege for some “super-Christians”, but a New Testament standard for every disciple of Jesus. However, when we read the book of Acts, we quickly realize that in Western Europe, we are often quite far away from this dimension of Christianity. But, Europe is on God’s agenda! Already now more healings, salvations and miracles are happening than ten years ago.
We want to discover, grasp and multiply this lifestyle. It begins with you and me – and with the power of the Holy Spirit, who is ready to permeate our everyday life.

  • History of revivals in a nutshell
  • Normal Christianity – Life in the supernatural
  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
  • Healing – basics and practice
  • Prophecy – basics and practice

As His children, God has called and empowered us to spread the Good News, heal broken hearts and set captives free. However, many of us stumble again and again over some old package from the past or is trapped in destructive patterns or bondages.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!” No one has to remain the victim of their past. We do not only want to learn to live in the freedom that Jesus has bought for us, but also help others to seize this freedom.

  • Getting rid of destructive habits
  • Truth that sets us free
  • The power of repentance
  • What forgiveness means
  • Basics of deliverance

As followers of Jesus we are in a war. We are the light in the darkness and bring life where hopelessness and death are rampant. But in the face of all this darkness, how do we face the challenges of life with faith and power?
With the weapons God has given us, we can fight the small and big battles of everyday life and powerfully expand His Kingdom in our surroundings. We want to learn to use these weapons effectively and find guidance in the Word of God for a victorious life.

  • Worship and Praise
  • The invisible world
  • Strategies of the enemy
  • Weapons of our warfare
  • Fasting


  • Day-Seminar from 9am – 6pm
  • Price: 30€, reduced 15,-€ (for pupils, students, trainees, pensioners and the unemployed). Incl. coffee breaks and small snacks
  • 1 hour lunch break: self-catering. Food brought along can be enjoyed in the bistro that is located in the facility. Alternatively, there are various cafes and restaurants nearby.
  • Day tickets bought directly at the site have an extra charge of 5€.
  • Should you find our seminar prices financially challenging, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we can find a good solution.
  • Our training day ends with the FACE 2 FACE – worship service which takes place at 7:30 pm. (Admission free)

Where and with whom?

The CrossWalk training takes place at Eastsite 15 (Salzschlirfer Str. 15, 60386 Frankfurt-Fechenheim) and is led by the CrossWalk team. Individual topics are covered by guest speakers.



What our graduates say:

In our Blog you can read about the seminars we have already held.